Monday, February 3, 2020

Find Out How to Corona Virus Damages Human Cells

Find Out How to Corona Virus Damages Human Cells

Find Out How to Corona Virus Damages Human Cells - The coronavirus which is currently a trending topic all over the world is actually not completely a new virus in Wuhan, China.

Because, in 2019 this virus already exists with the name nCoV (Novel Coronavirus) and was detected again at the end of 2019.

This corona virus is spherical surrounded by sticky proteins with thorny shapes that appear on all surfaces.

These sticky protein spikes come out from the end, just like a crown that has a 'spike' on the side, so it's called corona.

This protein helps the virus bind itself to cells to gain access to stem cells (host cells).

The corona virus is also known to be easy to mutate and can move from animals to humans. Therefore, this virus is also easily spread from one human to another.

Then, how can an animal virus infect humans? Basically, animals that have been infected by the coronavirus, the cells in these animals will contain special proteins.

So, the first thing to do is that the corona virus binds itself to a special protein cell and then invades the cell. If we share the surface of cell receptors that are also used by bats or other animals, then it is possible for the virus to invade our body cells.

Scientists in China have sorted the genome of the Coronavirus Novel and made it 'available' to the global community of scientists.

The genome of the new corona virus 96% was identified from the corona virus present in bats, which bats themselves are the original source of this virus.

Unfortunately, genetic analysis cannot pinpoint animals with corona virus species moving to humans. 2019-nCoV itself is the seventh corona virus that has infected humans. EBOLA, SARS, and MERS are some examples of cases that have infected humans from the same family before.

Corona virus can also be found in other animals, such as camels, cats, bats, and cattle / cows. Corona virus itself is very easy to spread just like MEASLES, while other viruses do not.

SARS alone has killed at least 10% of the total number of humans who have been infected. While the corona virus managed to kill 3% of those who were confirmed to have been infected.

Based on the genetic code in hand, scientists are now able to begin developing a vaccine without having to research by taking a corona virus sample and plan to be tested in the next 3 months.

5 Danger if We Stay Up Often

5 Danger if We Stay Up Often

5 Danger if We Stay Up Often - Hi, bro! You are a team that keeps up all day long, a team who keeps up late before Fajr, does the team sleep early - wake up in the morning? Or maybe ... the team didn't sleep or didn't wake up too?

Let us consider first 5 dangers if you are staying up late in the day

1. Staying up late often can trigger depression

If you already feel often depressed when faced with a problem, try to check and check the quality of your sleep. If your sleep is often less than six hours, then we can be sure that the depression you feel is one of them caused by the quality of your sleep. Often staying up late will also trigger a person suffering from insomnia. You have no intention of staying up late
But because of the frequency, your body refuses to go to bed early. That is insomnia. And insomnia is very closely related to depression.

2. Increases the risk of cancer

Another fatal consequence of staying up late is the increased risk of cancer. There is no definitive research, anyway, what kind of mechanism staying up late in contributing to increase the risk of cancer. However, it is strongly suspected that it is related to depression and cell damage. Fyi, when you stay up late, the process of cell repair and replacement of damaged cells in the body - usually between 23:00 - 02:00 West Indonesia Time - will not run optimally.

3. Increase the risk of death

A study shows, someone who often sleep less than five hours, his risk of death will increase by 12%. This risk increases for all types of causes of death. First and foremost, death is caused by heart disease and blocked arteries. Horrified right, bro?

4. Reducing the ability to think

Bro, if you've felt lately lack of focus, difficulty concentrating, or a bit slow when solving a problem, then you can check your sleep habits. Frequency of staying up late can cause a decrease in thinking ability. The ability to pay attention and the level of vigilance, can certainly be decreased as well. Therefore, many traffic accidents are caused by lack of focus of the driver who turns out to be out late.

5. Become forgetful

Young age but often forget? Well, it could be the cause because you are often up late, bro. When you stay up late, cell regeneration does not occur. In fact, one of the benefits of cell regeneration is to strengthen memory. In this process also occurs the process of transferring memory to the part of the brain that functions as a place to store long-term memory. Well, imagine what process is passed if you stay up? So, you still want to stay up and be labeled forgetful even when you are still young?

Get to Know Gonorrhea Venereal Disease and How to Cure it

Get to Know Gonorrhea Venereal Disease and How to Cure it

Gonorrhea is a venereal disease that is caused due to a bacterial infection and can be transmitted from person to person.

This is also usually transmitted when you have sexual contact with an infected person, or make contact with their bodily fluids.

Gonorrhea, or commonly referred to as gonorrhea, can also be transmitted from mother to child.

Gonorrhea can mostly affect the urethra, rectum, or throat. In women, gonorrhea can also affect the reproductive organs.

Symptoms in men

Most men may not be aware of the symptoms that they have gonorrhea, because some men do not get symptoms.

The most common and the first symptom recognized is burning or burning during urination.

After that will be followed by other symptoms such as:

1. Frequency of urination that is quite frequent
2. The discharge of pus from the penis (liquid droplets) is white, yellow, cream or greenish.
3. Swelling and redness of the penis opening or foreskin
4. Swelling or pain in the testicles
5. Sore throat that comes constantly

Symptoms in women

Some women find it difficult to identify the symptoms of gonorrhea, because the symptoms that appear there are similarities with other infections.

Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases in women was originally not formed clearly, such as vaginal yeast infections in general, so some women guess wrong infection.

The following are some of the symptoms that appear in women:

1. Exit fluid from the vagina (runny, creamy, slightly greenish)
2. When urinating, the sensation of pain and burning sensation
3. Frequency of urination that is quite frequent
4. The appearance of blood spots or bleeding when not menstruating
5. Feel pain when having sex
6. Pain is also felt in the lower abdomen or pelvic pain
7. Swelling of the vulva
8. Burning or burning sensation in the throat (when oral sex is done)
9. Fever

In children born with gonorrhea, symptoms usually appear in the eyes. There may be signs and symptoms not mentioned above.

If you have a concern about a particular symptom, consult your doctor.

If gonorrhea is not treated

In women, untreated gonorrhea can cause pelvic inflammatory disease and can damage the fallopian tubes.

The fatal impact, gonorrhea can cause infertility and increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy, where a fertilized egg develops outside the uterus.

Whereas in men, gonorrhea that is left can cause epididymis - pain in the testicular area at risk of infertility.

If not treated quickly, gonorrhea will eventually cause problems in the prostate and cause injury to the urethra, which will cause difficulty urinating.

Gonorrhea can spread to the blood or joints. This condition can be life threatening. Not only that, sufferers of this condition could be more susceptible to HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Patients with HIV infection and gonorrhea are more likely to occur than transmission of the HIV virus themselves to others.


To reduce the risk of this venereal disease infection, please take the following precautions:

1. Use a condom correctly every time you have sex
2. Don't change sex partners.
3. Limit sexual contact with an uninfected partner
4. Prevent the HPV vaccine before age 26 years
5. If you feel infected, avoid sexual contact and see a doctor

Gonorrhea diagnosis

To detect gonorrhea bacteria in the body of the sufferer, the doctor will analyze cell samples. The sample can be found from:

Urine Test: This examination can help to identify bacteria in the urethra.

Blood Test: This test aims to find out whether the infection has spread into the blood.

For women, there are now test kits for gonorrhea that can be done at home. The home test kit is for taking samples in the vagina to be sent to a special lab for testing.

Gonorrhea Complications

There are many serious complications that can be caused by gonorrhea.
In women, gonorrhea can cause complications in the form of:

1. Pelvic inflammatory disease.
2. Chronic pelvic pain.
3. Infertility.
4. Ectopic pregnancy, which is the embryo attached to the outside of the uterus while pregnant.

Whereas in men, gonorrhea can cause complications in the form of:

Epididymitis, an inflammation of the epididymis that controls sperm production.

5 Natural Ways to Reduce Belly Fat Without Drugs

5 Natural Ways to Reduce Belly Fat Without Drugs

5 natural ways to reduce belly fat without drugs - In this article, I will give you a way to slim down without drugs (naturally).

Before discussing the solution, it is better if we know first what causes bloated stomach.

Causes of the distended stomach :

1. Lack of sports or other activities
2. Consumption of unhealthy foods (junk food)
3. Sleep after dinner
4. Lack of rest
5. Consumption of alcoholic drinks
6. Too much sugar consumption
7. Lack of drinking water
8. Excessive stress
9. Too much oily food
10. The body lacks fiber

How to Overcome the Distended Stomach?

Now here are some ways you can do to help you streamline your stomach so that you can appear confidently in public.

 1. Use Lime or Lemon

Consumption of at least one lime or lemon per day is considered very effective to help reduce stubborn fat in the body. These fats are one of the factors that cause an enlarged abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and hips.

This fruit can detoxify the digestive system and help the liver function. There's no need to really eat it if you don't like it, you can squeeze one lime or lemon and dissolve it in a glass of warm water (recommended without sugar) and drink it at least once a day.

2. Combination of Lime and Green Tea

A mixture of green tea and lime juice is a drink that contains vitamin C and antioxidants. You can make your own healthy recipes as a way to naturally shrink the stomach just by drinking green tea mixed with lime.

No need to buy expensive drugs, because only drinking green tea and lime, the fat in your stomach can be lost. Drink this mixture twice a day regularly.

3. Combination of Lime and Honey

If it's not strong with the lime acid taste, you can mix it with honey. These two ingredients are also effective in shrinking the stomach naturally.

Honey has always had a variety of health benefits for the body, including shrinking a distended stomach.

Lime and honey can encourage maximum fat burning. You only need to mix one teaspoon of honey with lime juice. You can also mix it with warm water in the morning.

4. Consumption of Yogurt

Yogurt can help shrink and flatten the stomach. Why is that? Because Yogurt is considered to have good bacteria that can help smooth digestion so that it helps overcome a stomach that has fat accumulating.

5. Be diligent in exercising

Diem like anything will taste almost does not provide health benefits if it is not balanced with exercise. Toxins and fat will more quickly get out of the body through sweat, so because of that exercise is also needed to give you a healthy body and no longer have a distended stomach.

You should exercise at least one hour a day regularly. Ranging from running, pus-ups, sit-ups, Jumping rope, up and downstairs, swimming, bicycling, gymnastics, and other sports.

5 Benefits of Drinking Water When you Wake Up

5 Benefits of Drinking Water When you Wake Up

For humans, water is an important requirement. Consuming water according to your needs every day can make your body healthy and fit.

Consuming water regularly can prevent the body from dangerous diseases such as diabetes.

There are some of the best times to consume water, one of which after waking up. The habit of drinking water after waking up is a very healthy habit to have good benefits for the body.

Well, here are some benefits of drinking water after waking up.

1. Reducing Headaches

Dehydration is one of the main causes of headaches. Drinking water in the morning is the first step to reduce headaches so they don't get worse. So it does not interfere with the activity and appearance of course.

2. Removing Toxins in the body

Drinking water in the morning can keep the small intestine from dehydration. When the water balance in the body is balanced, the digestive system will get better. You will defecate more often because of adequate water intake. The more frequent bowel movements, toxins in the body must be wasted more quickly with urine.

3. Maintain body metabolism

Based on research results in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, drinking a glass of water can increase the body's metabolism by 30 percent. drinking one glass of water on an empty stomach can make digestion more efficient to start digesting food.

4. Prevent Digestive Disorders

When you often consume a glass of water in the morning, you can clean food acids from the esophagus that works while sleeping. This acid can interfere with digestion if not routinely cleaned.

5. Prevents Kidney Stone Disease

Drinking water is the main key to thinning substances in urine that can cause kidney stones. Starting with a glass of water in the morning after waking up from sleep will make your effort to meet your daily water needs easier.

Be Careful !! These 5 Foods Can Actually Accelerate Premature Aging

Be Careful !! These 5 Foods Can Actually Accelerate Premature Aging

Premature aging is a natural process that results in the skin losing its elastic properties so that the skin will look loose and wrinkles appear. As we get older, the accelerated aging process also accelerates. Although one of the factors of premature aging also depends on the genes and habits of each person. But, a factor that also affects the aging process is the factor of food consumed every day.

Some types of food can actually accelerate the process of premature aging.

let's look at the following:

1. Coffee

Although it feels very good when taken at night or while hanging out with friends.

The caffeine content in coffee can actually increase stress hormones in the body.

Excessive consumption of coffee will make the stress hormone or cortisol in the body will rise and make the muscles become tired, thus making it quickly shrink.

Automatic skin will easily sag and create wrinkles.

2. Processed Meat

Sausage is a type of processed meat that is a factor in accelerating the aging process.

Tasty and practical food is served, in fact can trigger the risk of colorectal cancer.

N-nitroso substances contained therein are carcinogenic or cancer triggers. This substance is derived from the addition of nitrites mixed with processed meat.

To avoid these dangers and if you want to consume sausages, it's better to cook yourself at home.

3. Fried Potatoes

Chips or french fries or foods that are fried at high temperatures will trigger the formation of trans fat.

Trans fats can trigger acne and oily skin. In addition, consumption of these foods with an intensity that often can increase the risk of coronary heart disease and stroke.

Instead, replace the fried potatoes with boiled sweet potatoes.

4. Carbonated Drinks

This type of drink has high sugar content with minimal nutrition. sugar content in soda can lead to obesity, thereby increasing the risk of hypertension, diabetes, and stroke.

Because it results in high blood sugar levels, a glycation process can be created that can damage collagen in the body. supple collagen will be damaged, and wrinkles appear on the skin.

 5. White bread

The white bread that is used here is a type of white bread.

This type of bread is a source of processed carbohydrates that can integrate with protein.

Foods that have a high glycemic index (sugar content) such as white bread, can cause inflammation in the body, which is directly related to the process of premature aging.

Learn and Know Meditation for Beginners

Learn and Know Meditation for Beginners

What is meditation? In my practice as a hypnotherapist, I often advise people to meditate. The question I get is usually how to meditate, how do I do it, in the end, I think about it here and there?

So what exactly is meditation? The word meditation in English is derived from the Latin word meditatio which means to contemplate. But didn't this teacher say that meditation is to empty the mind / calm the mind / chant mantras / increase awareness / realize what is happening around / etc ..

During meditation it was found that theta waves were found dominant in the midbrain and forebrain. Theta waves usually appear when someone experiences deep relaxation. The part of the brain that emits Theta waves instructs the rest of the brain to relax, which in turn causes physical relaxation.

In fact since the beginning of the 20th century meditation has been a general term for the various practices mentioned above. This is the same as saying sports for all things like tennis, basketball, ball, etc. This is a challenge for researchers to examine the effectiveness or brain activity when someone meditates.

The meditation techniques that will be explained here will be taken based on techniques that come from Buddhist literature. The reason is that Buddhists are one of the very few groups to have a complete and detailed record of meditation.

If we want to learn this knowledge, of course we want to know what are the ways to meditate? I list here a few things that we can get only with 10 minutes of meditation per day.

1. Reducing stress
2. Improve work performance
3. Become more aware of our every action
4. Increase our emotional intelligence
5. Makes you calmer, be nicer to others
6. Make you smarter (Thickening of the cortical area, especially in the awareness section)

One of the good effects of meditation is relaxing the mind. Of course, then meditation will be very useful for those in the office and need to be refreshed for a while. But besides meditation, it is not like we can sleep on our arms and fold on the table

In addition, our brains also emit Alpha waves that appear or become larger when our brains reduce intentional activities (intentional). Alpha waves are also a sign of deep relaxation.

Which also means that the most suitable meditation for stress relief is meditation which is let go. Relinquishing meditation is meditation where the meditator allows all thoughts that arise to come and go. Instead of controlling your thoughts (which create activity in your brain), you better relax yourself and let everything that comes, pass away.

The essence of this meditation is slaughter. The simple way is to find a comfortable place wherever you are, close your eyes and feel your body. Scan your body from top to bottom and if there are tense muscles, relax the muscles, if the sitting position is not comfortable, change the position until it is comfortable. Once done you just enjoy the silence with ease.

There are many meditation techniques in this world. In Theravada literature there are at least 50 meditation techniques, while in Tibetan there are thousands of meditation techniques.

In this discussion the technique used is the technique taught by Ajahn Brahm. In his book Mindfulness, Bliss and Beyond: A Meditator Handbook (Superpower Mindfulness). He said that there were 4 initial stages in meditation:
1. Current awareness
2. Current awareness of silence
3. The current awareness of silence on the breath
4. Full attention to the breath

Starting from the present awareness where we let go of the past and the future that is in our minds.

Often we think too much about the past and the future, for example when we want a hearing tomorrow, how about tomorrow UAS? What will you come out with later? Or for example thinking, fighting with friends yesterday.

This means we live in the past or in the future. Before starting to meditate, we let go of the past and the future that is in our minds, and enough to live in the present forget that we have the past, also forget that we have a future as long as we meditate, just enjoy the meditation.

After letting go of that we have passed stage 1 and entered stage 2 where we have entered the stage of silent awareness at this time.

Silent awareness means not commenting, sometimes when we get input we always think, "oh, that's good" or "I don't agree" or "fun" or something else.

What is meant by silent awareness is to be quite silent and watch over without commenting on what is there.

It is said in the literature that silence is more useful in attaining wisdom and clarity of mind than thinking. Silence is a state of fun and joy.

If it has passed these two stages, it can be said to have passed a long path in meditation.

The next stage is the current silent awareness of the breath, simply the human mind can think of several things at once, which is about 7 plus / minus 2.

In this stage we decide to pay attention to one thing only, breath. After going through the two stages above, you will realize that it will be very easy to shift attention only to the breath alone.

One of the problems with watching your breath is the habit of controlling your breath while you are breathing or sighing.

To get past this obstacle then imagine that we are driving.

Look that we are not the driver of the car, not even inside the car, we are only watching the car from outside. So no need to control it, just pay attention.

The fourth stage is the stage where we focus fully on the breath as a whole, where we are aware when the breath starts, when the breath comes out, and when the inter-breath pauses we realize it as a pause before the next breath is pulled.

Starting from the breath to the breath and then to the breath we all realize with silence and present. And this can last for a long time without obstacles.

This cannot be achieved with strength, only strong will. Only by releasing everything that happens in the world except focusing on the breath will this stage be achieved by itself, without enough effort just to pay attention.

These 4 stages are called stepping stones in meditation by Ajahn Brahm because it is at this stage that we will be able to feel the beauty of meditation. When you reach stage 4 the breath will begin to disappear because we begin to focus on calm, freedom and happiness.