Saturday, February 1, 2020

Tips Parenting: 6 ways to introduce healthy food for children

6 ways to introduce healthy food for children - Indeed the introduction of healthy food to children has been started from the beginning. But sometimes parents find it difficult to do because children prefer to eat snacks or often picky foods. Not infrequently also vegetables and fruits are not included in the child's diet.

Based on data from the 2013 Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) conducted by the Ministry of Health, 93 percent of children in Indonesia lack the intake of vegetables and fruits in their diets. Yet according to doctors, vegetables and fruits are important components for the fulfillment of children's nutrition.

Well, quoted from Scholastic on Sunday (2/3/2014), here are 6 tips that parents can do to introduce healthy food to children.

1. Take your child shopping

You can invite your child to go shopping for food needs to the supermarket or market. But make it clear to your child that you will only buy fruit or vegetables. Then let the child choose their own fruits and vegetables that he wants to eat. Don't forget to explain each of the benefits obtained from these fruits and vegetables.

2. Make a vegetable and fruit table

To encourage children to eat vegetables and fruit, you can make a table of vegetables and fruit that children eat for one week. Give target children, for example, eat 3 fruits and 4 vegetables a week. If the child succeeds, you can give a gift to the child.

 3. Distinguish between Food and snacks

Children certainly can not be separated from the temptation of unhealthy snacks that he met on the roadside. Well, to get around this, you must be able to distinguish where snacks and snacks for children. You can buy any snacks that he wants at the end of the week. But for snacks, you can prepare pieces of fruit or other healthy foods.

4. Invite your child to help you cook

Another way to introduce healthy food to children is to ask them to cook in the kitchen. But keep children from dangerous objects such as knives or stoves. Things that children can do, for example, help get the materials you need. Besides being fun, you can teach children about the use of objects in the kitchen.

5. Make a small garden

If you have enough land at home, you can make a small garden. Plants that you can plant between chili, potatoes or cassava. If you do not have land, take the child to the farm or farm where he can see how vegetables and fruits grow.

 6. Encourage children to play if eating outside

Not wrong indeed if you invite children to eat out once or twice a week. But the thing to remember is how you use that time to continue to introduce healthy food to children. You can ask questions about what the child has learned about the food or drink he will eat.

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