Wednesday, January 29, 2020

7 Most Deadly Viruses of All Time | The most severe Corona virus?

7 Most Deadly Viruses of All Time | The most severe Corona virus? - Although technology and the medical world are highly developed, our ability to deal with outbreaks of the virus is still lacking.
The scenario depicted in films about cases of the spread of the virus is still very likely to occur, even in developed countries.
We are still quite fortunate because the corona virus cases that plague now have a mortality rate that is not too high, around 4%.
Compared to the 7 most deadly viruses in history that I will discuss here, that number is still relatively small.

1. Ebola Virus

The virus that is currently considered the deadliest in the medical world is voris Ebola from a river of the same name in the Republic of Congo.
One type of this virus, named Reston, has no negative impact on humans but the Zaire type has a 90% mortality rate.

First discovered in 1976, this virus is still frequently epidemic and currently also the Republic of Congo is still in the process of facing the Ebola virus outbreak process.

Symptoms of this virus begin with fever and headaches before causing diarrhea and vomiting of blood which marks kidney and liver damage.

2. Marburg Virus

This virus is arguably a close relative of the Ebola virus because it has symptoms of fever and bleeding similar to the Ebola virus.

The Marburg virus is named after a small town in Germany where the outbreak of the virus first appeared in 1967.

Although it first appeared in Germany, the virus itself was thought to have originated from monkeys imported from Uganda who had been infected when brought to Germany.

With a death rate of 90%, this virus is still considered very deadly even though it has a much lower total number of deaths compared to the Ebola virus.

3. Rabies Virus

After the Rabies virus vaccine emerged in 1920, this virus has disappeared in developed countries but the Rabies virus is still a problem in Africa.

This virus is commonly found in human pets, especially dogs, and is one type of virus that attacks the human brain.

The Rabies Virus has a long history and is rumored to have existed since 2,300 BC in the Babylonian Empire.

The thing that makes this virus so scary is the death rate that reaches 100% so for those of you who have pets, be careful!

4. Smallpox virus

Roughly speaking, the Smallpox virus is similar to ordinary chickenpox, but the Smallpox virus is far more severe and often deadly.

Like the Rabies virus, this virus has a very long history and it is estimated that this virus has existed since 10,000 BC.

You could say that the Smallpox virus is an extreme version of chicken pox with symptoms of lumps that fester all over the body accompanied by high fever.

It is estimated that the Smallpox virus killed 300 million people in the 20th century, but this virus has disappeared thanks to the mass immunization movement of the World Health Organization.

5. HIV / AIDS virus

When I was at school, the HIV / AIDS virus was probably the disease I was most afraid of and got the most socialization in educational institutions.

This virus is believed to have first appeared in the 1920s in the Republic of Congo and originated in chimpanzees but only became known in the 1980s.

The HIV / AIDS virus attacks the human immune system and does not cause death directly, it only makes it easier for other diseases to attack our bodies.

Since the 1980s, it has been estimated that this virus has claimed 35 million lives but has been greatly reduced thanks to developments in the medical world.

Unfortunately, treatment for the HIV / AIDS virus is relatively inexpensive and this virus is still very deadly in third world regions such as the southern regions of the African continent.

6. Influenza Virus

The common cold is indeed very rarely fatal but there are several types of influenza viruses that take many lives.

One of them was the H1N1 Influenza virus which in 1918 caused a Spanish Flu outbreak which claimed 50 million lives.

Crazy, many experts claim that 40% of the total world population at that time had contracted this virus.

In addition, there is also the H5N1 Influenza virus, or more commonly known as Bird Flu, which also became epidemic in Indonesia in 2006.

7. Dengue Virus

Compared to the case of the new corona virus, Dengue virus or what we know as Dengue Fever indeed seems more ordinary.

This virus first appeared in history in 992 from a medical encyclopedia found in China and found in many tropical regions.

As we know, this virus is carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito and can cause symptoms of high fever and bleeding like the Ebola virus.

With the earth's temperature increasing, many experts claim that this virus will become more epidemic in the future, not just limited to the tropics.

Therefore, even though the dengue virus has a relatively low mortality rate, this virus should still be on our guard because it is often forgotten

That's a list of the 7 most deadly viruses in history that I have summarized from various sources.

In comparison, the corona virus cases that we face today are still relatively benign, so don't be too paranoid.

What do you think about the virus above? Do you think it's more terrible than the corona virus?

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