Tuesday, January 28, 2020

5 Effective Ways to Realize the Ideal Body

5 Effective Ways to Realize the Ideal BodyHaving an ideal body is a dream for everyone. The ideal body generally can increase one's confidence. The ideal body is always associated with the ideal body weight. Ideal body weight is a condition where your weight with your height is in a balanced state. Not too fat and not too thin.
Then how can we know and make our ideal body? Let's follow the steps below.

1. Know the condition of your body

You have to know the ideal weight standard you need, lest the body that you consider fat turns out to be ideal for you. For you who are not too tall, don't worry you can also make your body ideal. Find out the condition of your body in the following ways:
• Measure your height first
• Then find out how much you weigh
• Calculate the Body Mass Index
If your body is still too thin or too fat, you can do the next steps.

2. Adjust the pattern & portion of your meal

Start eating healthy foods, which are foods that contain lots of nutrients for your body. Avoid eating fried foods, junk food, alcoholic drinks, soft drinks, and foods & drinks that contain lots of sugar and high fat.
Begin to consume vegetables, fruits, and seeds. And it is recommended to eat fish, tofu, tempeh, and low-fat milk.
But remember! Also, pay attention to how to process it, make sure you process the food properly so as not to use a lot of oil, sugar, or even too long in its processing so that it can damage the nutrients in it.

3. Drink plenty of water

Our body needs at least 2.5 liters of water every day to meet the body's needs. Water also functions in the digestive system and the absorption of nutrients from the food we consume. Drinking water/mineral water can also delay hunger, so we feel full and reduce the desire to snack.

4. Do sports

By doing sports, can accelerate the process of forming your ideal body. When exercising, fat in your body will be burned and will be converted into muscle. Exercising can also increase the absorption of nutrients in your body.
You can do sports in your room, with sit-ups, push-ups, planks, aerobics.

5. Perform intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting (fasting diet) is predicted to be a powerful way to lose weight. Unlike the diet in general, which requires us to reduce our food portions. Intermittent fasting just sets the right schedule for us to eat and stop eating (fasting). But, when fasting we are still allowed to drink water. There are several methods of intermittent fasting.

• Method 16: 8

In this method, you must divide the time between mealtime and fasting time. You can only eat for 8 hours and have to fast for 16 hours.

If you start eating at 8:00, then you have an 8-hour meal from your first meal, meaning your mealtime is until 16.00. Now after 16.00, you may not consume any food but you can still drink water for 16 hours.

• The eat stop eat method

With this method, you must fast for 24 hours and only consume water or drinks without a mixture of sugar, the next day you can eat normal portions. Do this method 1 or 2 times a week.

• Method 5: 2

When doing the 5: 2 method you should only consume 500-600 calories for 2 days. Furthermore, for 5 days you can consume 1500-1800 normal calories per day for women. And 2000 calories per day for men. This schedule must be carried out consecutively.

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